The project
Development of a pilot unit for the valorization of PRS (Petroleum Refinery Sludges) to new added-value raw materials
The overall objective of the project is the "smart" exploitation of Petroleum Refinery Sludges (PRS), produced by the Refinery of MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) - CORINTH REFINERIES S.A., the largest private industrial complex in the country with a processing capacity of 185000 barrels of crude oil per stream day (BSD). PRS are wastes originating from crude oil processing into fuel and relative nonfuel products. After sludge pretreatment by dewatering and/or deoiling (for reduction of volume and residual hydrocarbon content), due to their hydrocarbons and heavy metals content, these sludges are classified as hazardous waste and their treatment is a pre-requisition before their final disposal. The main idea of the LIFE DIANA proposal is the use of these wastes for the development of a Valorised Sludge Mixture (VSM) through their proper integration with cost efficient industrial minerals available in Greece and other countries, aiming to the PRS transformation into higher value commercial products..
Layman’s Report
After-Life business plan
" EU-28, is among the world’s largest users of petroleum, with a total demand of 610,3 Mt for 2015 (15% of world consumption – Fuels Europe, Statistical Report 2016), while petroleum remains the main energy type with 36,5% share. Global demand for petroleum refined products increased from 91,3 mbpd in 2013 to 92,1 in 2014. "
— BP statistical review of world energy
Pilot installation at the Refineries of Motor Oil Hellas
Pilot installation of the Municipality of Rafina-Pikermi at Fili Landfill
The need to satisfy the ever-increasing global energy demand, expected to rise by 44% over the next two decades, makes crude oil processing and petroleum refinery effluents (PRE) generation important issues globally (Doggett, T., Rascoe, A., 2009. Global Energy Demand Seen up 44 Percent by 2030).
The overall target of the proposal is to develop the required customised technologies and materials for the valorisation of PRS and the synthesis of the Engineered Soil, to demonstrate their applicability at pilot scale and to assess the performance of both VSM and engineered soil according to the relevant European standards and legislation.
Due to the unique properties of the selected industrial minerals, their integration with PRS will result in PRS stabilisation, and therefore the VSM will present minimum environmental risk. The selected industrial minerals will be properly processed and modified, in order to increase their effectiveness to the specific PRS, maximizing thus the desired stabilisation level.
Furthermore, VSM is a suitable raw material for the construction and restoration of landfill sites and abandoned inactive quarries. The aim is the development of a stable quality Engineered Soil, through mixing of VSM with suitable soil amendments, with engineered properties for cost effective use in various development stages of landfill construction and restoration. Due to its tailored properties, the Engineered Soil will be able to substitute much larger quantities of the unstable quality materials currently used in landfills for the creation of the various layers.
Project Coordinator
Co-funded by the European Commission
under the LIFE "Environment and Resource Efficiency" Programme
D1-2 & 3 Notice Board & Leaflet
Notice Board
Co-funded by the European Commission
under the LIFE "Environment and Resource Efficiency" Programme
EU - Policy Relevance
This section provides an overview of the policy and legislation framework for the exploitation of Petroleum Refinery Sludges (PRS) and their use for the development of a Valorized Sludge Mixture through processing with industrial minerals.
The main objective of the LIFE DIANA project is on the one hand the intelligent processing of PRS and on the other hand their efficient transformation into products of higher added-value, that are provisioned to be used in other industrial activities. The project scope complies with the thematic priorities for Resource Efficiency including Green and Circular Economy and Soil. More specifically it encompasses all the main concepts and targets of the Green and Circular Economy, including efficient valorization and reuse of combined wastes from different industries, setting up new circular business concepts and eco-design of new waste valorization chains as well as development of innovative waste technologies and exploitation systems. The Soil Thematic Strategy emphasizes on compensation of soil sealing and improved land use with the elimination of the needed land for PRS disposal.
Main EC policies related to LIFE DIANA activities
It is important to mention that the LIFE DIANA project aspires to follow some of the main directives of the European Commission about the environmental preservation and protection:
Compliance with the EU 2020 Climate & energy package as the project effectively promotes the reduction of GHGs emissions. This is achieved through PRS conversion into more stable matter which assists with 1) lowering the waste transportation across Europe, 2) decrease use of incineration as waste treatment and 3) minimizing the excessively high quantities of sludge waste, which are currently disposed and/or stored. Compliance with the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98 as LIFE DIANA project visions an innovative processing method of reusing the oil-refinery waste to be implemented. This method will focus on using the oil-based mass waste as raw material, to produce a final and stable matter with higher added value. This type of technology is key factor to promote progress towards a circular economy and stimulate the synergy between main partners such as the oil processing industry, the natural resources (minerals) industry and the environmental industry (landfills). Compliance with Landfill Directive 1999/31 as Engineering Soil will follow the lining system properties as described in the European directive. Compliance with Commission Recommendation of 9/4/13 on Environmental footprint methodology. The project will utilize its findings for the further lowering of the environmental footprint of the oil refining industry and will focus on the use of common methods to measure and communicate the life cycle environmental performance of products and organizations. Compliance with the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28. The LIFE DIANA project follows these guidelines as the majority of the energy demands to conduct the experimental part of the project, will be supplied by renewable energy sources. Imminent result of this action is to generate less carbon emissions originating from both the supply and processing of raw materials. Aligned with the WFD including WWTP and Marine Strategy as the project ensures to maintain practices not harmful to the marine environment. Bearing in mind that the Greek refineries consist of coastal installations, the developing tools, technologies and practices for monitoring and stabilization of oil sludges shall promote the synergy and upgrade of coastal environment and its preservation.
LIFE DIANA policy relevance
Regarding the policy relevance of the LIFE DIANA project, it is critical that the policy makers are aware of the importance of new technologies allowing utilization of oil industry wastes. Policy makers are responsible for the national and EU policies, regulations and medium-to long term strategies. Among the policy makers the consortium will target the EU Environment Directorate-General and the Greek Ministry of Economy and Growth, Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Central Union of Greek Municipalities (KEDE).The actions where the policy makers will be involved are in particular project’s public events, articles from policy and legislative point of view, and reports and documentation on results of LIFE DIANA pilots.
Furthermore, the implementation/adaptation of the new waste legislation oriented to the new technology will be a parallel output/track of the project. More specifically, the Engineered Soil produced through the LIFE DIANA project aims at replacing the soil currently used in landfilling. Thus, the engineered soil it is recommended to be incorporated in the legislation and promoted by the policy makers as daily cover, lining material (bottom and top) and vegetating cover.
To sum up, this project therefore complies with multiple EU Directives and guidelines, as mentioned above and can be a key contributor to the objectives of the roadmap towards a “resource efficient Europe” and the 7th Environmental Action Plan (EAP).
Co-funded by the European Commission
under the LIFE "Environment and Resource Efficiency" Programme
Co-funded by the European Commission
under the LIFE "Environment and Resource Efficiency" Programme
Action A1: Review of EU legislation and materials requirements for landfills construction and restoration
A review of the EU and state regulation will be held in order to determine the minimum requirements that will render the stabilized material appropriate for landfilling, the properties that are important so as to render the engineered soil appropriate for use as daily cover and liner in landfill and any possible modification that should be done to the landfill operation so as to take advantage of the new material beneficial properties.
Additionally, the technical datasheets of commercial products that are used nowadays as daily cover and landfill liners (bottom and top) will be determined and reported; these technical specifications will constitute the criteria for the evaluation of the project’s products and the selection of the optimum proposed solution.
Action A2: Design of pilot plan site
The design of the pilot scale stabilization unit will be held. The unit must be capable to apply the stabilization technology in large scale so proper design of the pilot plant is of great importance. Also infrastructure and peripherals of the system will be designed and dimensioned.
Action B1: Collection of oil wastes and preparation of stabilizers
Industrial minerals will be used as stabilizers for stabilization of oil waste. Since all industrial minerals are naturally occurring materials, their chemistry, mineralogy and physical characteristic are varying among different mineral deposits, influencing thus their effectiveness. It is thus vital to try several grades of each material in terms of the attained physicochemical properties in order to determine the optimum ones (as far as effectiveness and cost are concerned). Then, the chosen raw materials will be characterized and the appropriate processes will be applied so as to develop various minerals grades that will be used as stabilizers in the next action.
Action B2: Lab-scale neutralization/stabilization experiments
The performance of various industrial minerals qualities will be evaluated in laboratory scale experiments in terms of their sorption stability and capacity, in order to determine the industrial minerals qualities that are more effective for use as PRS stabilizers (Fig_C1_B2_1). Furthermore, the grades of each stabilizer will compose blends of industrial minerals in various proportions (w/w) and will be subjected to sorption experiments in order to determine the optimum stabilizer formulation in terms of industrial minerals proportion. Also during this experimental campaign the optimization of PRS stabilization process will be performed in terms of mixing method (vertical or horizontal Extruder, Kneader, Mix Muller),time, moisture level, viscosity and mixing intensity. The goal will be: a) the maximum dispersion of the ingredient that provides plasticity and chemisorption in some industrial minerals), b) the porous in other industrial minerals granules should remain intact to provide physisorption and good flowability of the final blend, and c) the maximum possible homogeneity.
Action B3: Scale-up of stabilization technology; Pilot-plant waste stabilization at oil refinery site
A pilot scale industrial installation will be constructed in order to process the PRS and produce the VSM, according to the methods and flowsheet developed in Action B2. The construction of the pilot plant will be done according to pilot plant design that will be held in Action A2.
The stabilization technology will be demonstrated in pilot scale at MOH refineries plant. The operation will be implemented at the pilot plant scoping the production of stabilized mixture in large scale. This material will be used for the production of the Engineered Soil that will be used in Action B4.
Action B4: Scale-up of stabilization technology; Pilot-plant trials at landfill site
A pilot scale application of the material produced in Action B3 as landfill construction and restoration material will be held. Various qualities of the Engineered Soil will be prepared on-site and used in different landfill development steps, i.e. as cover material, as daily cove and as bottom liner. Characterization analyses will be held in collected samples in order to evaluate the performance of each layer.
Action C1: Monitoring of the project impact
Data and information collection during the LIFE DIANA project will be carried out throughout the experimental operations and testing, and will be used for a continuous monitoring of the pilot activities and their results. Data collection will include both data from the experimental trials stage and data from the pilot plants.
Starting from the outcomes of the pilot evaluation, an assessment of the environmental and social impacts will be performed, in order to evaluate the potential impacts of the developed technology in terms of social and economic indicators.
Action C2: Business model development and transferability evaluation
The Business Model will include cost factors analysis, estimation of capital investment, total stabilization cost, profitability analysis and market analysis.
The Transferability Evaluation will include transferability and replication activities on three dimensions: location (i.e. oil refineries location vs. minerals availability – logistics), sludges chemistry and local legislation.
Action C3: Life Cycle Assessment / Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
The evaluation of the LIFE DIANA project in terms of its environmental impact will be performed through the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The impact will be considered for the entire value chain from oil sludge production to its use as a functional material in landfills.
The evaluation of the products in terms of their economic performance over their entire life will be done through the project DIANA Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA).
Action D1: Dissemination Planning and execution
This Action includes the development and dispersion of the dissemination and communication pack project, i.e. the project website, media campaign, LIFE notice boards, Layman´s report, project leaflets and videos.
All partners will also actively engage in networking with other completed or ongoing projects in the same areas of interest.
Action D2: Information and awareness raising
The Action include the information and awareness-raising for the general public, i.e. the distribution of project leaflets, press releases, local awareness, publications in local media and the final conference of the project.
Also, information and awareness-raising for specific audience is foreseen, including presentations at international conferences and to specific interest groups.
Action E1: Overall Project Management
This Action oversees the effective implementation of the project and the communication, through formal reporting with the EC.
Action E2: Project Monitoring
It includes the project monitoring through regular meetings of Action leaders and the calculation of progress monitoring indicators in order to facilitate the evaluation of the project’s implementation.
An After-Life Plan will be issued in order to disseminate the results of LIFE DIANA after its contractual end.
Co-funded by the European Commission
under the LIFE "Environment and Resource Efficiency" Programme
MOH since its establishment in 1970 is committed to being a leader in the petroleum refining business. Through its evolution, MOH is listed in the Athens Exchange and considered as one of the major contributors to the Greek economy. MOH is the second crude oil refining and trading company in Greece, its market share amounts to approximately 34% of the Greek market while the company achieves 50% of the exports of the sector. MOH Refinery with its ancillary plants and offsite facilities forms the largest privately held industrial complex in Greece. It can process crude oils of various characteristics and produce a full range of high value added petroleum products, complying with the most stringent International Specifications configuration. The technological excellence of MOH is based on the high complexity (Nelson Complexity Index) of its Refinery, which is 11.54, one of highest in Europe and worldwide. Apart from fuels, MOH is the only lubricants producer and packager in Greece. The production capacity of the Refinery of MOH increased in 2010 by 25% approximately following the installation of the New Crude Distillation Unit (CDU), a capital expenditure of €180mil. With the completion of the new CDU project, the Refinery processing capacity exceeds 185.000 barrels per day or 10 million Metric Tons (MT) per year.
The company implements and improves continuously an Environmental Management System, in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001:2004 standard, applicable to all the activities of its Refinery and has also EMAS III ER 1221:2009 compliant certificate, is certified according to the ISO-9001 Quality Assurance Standard, OHSAS 18001, CE Marking for paving grade bituments according to standard ΕΝ 12591 and ISO17025 for certain types of analyses. MOH participates in many research projects and namely in biofuels coprocessing and chemical processes.
NTUA (National Technical University of Athens) is the oldest and most prestigious technical university in Greece with 9 schools. Today NTUA has more than 7000 students, employs 700 persons as academic staff and more than 2500 researchers. Based on Euro Research Ranking Data, NTUA reached 10th place in 2010 between educational organisations and 3rd position on Networking Rank (Reputation). Last year only, was coordinating or participating in 67 European projects and the last decade was funded from European Commission 400Μ€. The Laboratory of Metallurgy is part of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering and has experienced significant progress the last 10 years in terms of research and development projects. Based on the same statistical data, Laboratory of Metallurgy (NTUA.LM) is ranking in the 1st position between NTUA Laboratories. Over the last 10 years the Laboratory of Metallurgy has co-ordinated and participated in more than 50 projects with partners from many industrial companies, academic and research institutes Europe wide. All this research activity of NTUA.LM resulted in publication of about 210 papers in scientific journals, national and international conferences the last ten years.
The activities of the Laboratory are mainly focused on research and technology development in the field of extractive industries, including development of energy efficient processes, processing technologies for ores and industrial minerals, design, simulation and techno-economical evaluation of new production processes, design of environmental protection processes, synthesis of high added-value materials from ores and industrial minerals. The Laboratory of Metallurgy is equipped with modern equipment for physicochemical characterisations and has the necessary infrastructure to support its research and development activities.
Municipality of Rafina was established in 1994 and since 2011 has been connected with the municipal community of Pikermi. It currently extends to 41.84 sq.km and its inhabitants amount to over 16,000 inhabitants. The port of Rafina is one of the biggest and most important ports of Greece and the second biggest in Attika, mainly used for touristic and personal transportation connecting the Region of Attica and the ports of the Aegean Sea. Due to its geographical position is considered as a summer resort while it is located 28km away from the center of Athens. Municipality of Rafina is surrounded from several inactive marble and limestone quarries that need rehabilitation. The rehabilitation of the abandoned quarry could yield important benefits. These are the amelioration of the characteristics of the region and the improvement of the region’s cultural identity. At the same time the environmental impacts are minimized, through the reduction of visual intrusion.
The realization of the project will be undertaken mainly by the Technical Department in cooperation to the Office of Environment and the Mayor’s Office. Main Technical Department activities are:
realization and overseeing of studies and works of the technical program of the Municipality, through its budget or through co-financing, overseeing of constructions, repairs and maintenance of public installations and infrastructure, street lighting works, as well as repair and maintenance of the mechanical/electrical equipment of municipal establishments, monitoring of planning and urban reconstruction, realization of surveys for the Environment protection and Climate change mitigation The Technical Department implements the environmental legislation, through studies and works that makes or oversees, and seeks the realistic conditions through which it can realize innovative proposals and actions, through its program.
POWER MEDIA PRODUCTIONS S.A. (PMP) was founded in 1991 and has 10 Smart Studios. It's the most advanced company in digital recordings, musical productions, dubbing and specialized audio editing in post-production of advertising, on radio and television. The company's clientele includes many of the largest advertising agencies and film production companies in the world (Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox, BBC, Dreamworks SKG, Universal and Paramount, Warner bros, Buena Vista, Canal +, Pathe, BBC, Discovery Channel, De Agostini). PMP cooperates with several studios abroad to make recordings in real time via ISDN connection. The company, in a continuous effort to follow the developments in its field and provide high quality products and services with cutting-edge technologies, in order to remain a leader in its sector, participates and implements a series of research and technological projects investing considerable resources in both manpower and state-of-the-art equipment so as to achieve production process optimization.
PMP has implemented 2 research projects in the context of the PAVE Research Greek Program (MUSIC LIBRARY, E-SERVICES), funded partially by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology in Greece. The subject of MUSIC LIBRARY project was the design & development of an innovative web based music library using knowledge technology and semantic web. The subject of E-SERVICES project was the design and implementation of a prototype e-platform for digitalization and exchange of thematic music-video content. PMP has a versatile experience in strategic communication, dissemination actions, marketing and advertising. It has also contributed in the audiovisual content creation for ELINA project, one of the BEST LIFE 2015 projects. The company is also supported by the European Affairs Directorate which has extensive experience and provides consultancy services related to proposal submission and management of EU co-funded project since 1990.
Co-funded by the European Commission
under the LIFE "Environment and Resource Efficiency" Programme
Project Summary
Project Title
Development of a pilot unit for the valorization of PRS (Petroleum Refinery Sludges) to new added value raw materials
Project Objectives
The overall objective of this proposal is the “smart” exploitation of Petroleum Refinery Sludges (PRS), produced by the Refinery of MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) – CORINTH REFINERIES S.A., the largest private industrial complex in the country with a processing capacity of 185,000 barrels of crude oil per stream day (BSD). PRS are wastes originating from crude oil processing into fuel and relative nonfuel products. After sludge pretreatment by dewatering and/or deoiling (for reduction of volume and residual hydrocarbon content), due to their hydrocarbons and heavy metals content, these sludges are classified as hazardous waste and their treatment is a pre-requisition before their final disposal.
The main idea of the LIFE DIANA proposal is the use of these wastes for the development of a Valorised Sludge Mixture (VSM) through their proper integration with cost efficient industrial minerals available in Greece and other countries, aiming to the PRS transformation into higher value commercial products.
Due to the unique properties of the selected industrial minerals, their integration with PRS will result in PRS stabilisation, and therefore the VSM will present minimum environmental risk. The selected industrial minerals will be properly processed and modified, in order to increase their effectiveness to the specific PRS, maximizing thus the desired stabilisation level.
Furthermore, VSM is a suitable raw material for the construction and restoration of landfill sites and abandoned inactive quarries. The aim is the development of a stable quality Engineered Soil, through mixing of VSM with suitable soil amendments, with engineered properties for cost effective use in various development stages of landfill construction and restoration. Due to its tailored properties, the Engineered Soil will be able to substitute much larger quantities of the unstable quality materials currently used in landfills for the creation of the various layers.
In conclusion, the overall target of the proposal is to develop the required customised technologies and materials for the valorisation of PRS and the synthesis of the Engineered Soil, to demonstrate their applicability at pilot scale and to assess the performance of both VSM and engineered soil according to the relevant European standards and legislation.
01.07.2017 - 31.12.2021
Actions and means involved
The main objectives of the proposal are analysed at the following scientific objectives:
Identification and development of the optimum qualities of industrial minerals and technological solutions for the production of VSM with minimum environmental risks and meeting the specifications set by the relevant EU legislation.
Selection of the optimum mixing solutions (compost, soil, VSM) for the production of an engineered soil suitable to be used on landfills construction and restoration or quarry rehabilitation.
Design, construction, testing and evaluation of a low cost pilot scale plant with minimum CO2 emissions for producing VSM with appropriate properties to be used for the synthesis of the engineered soil.
For the achievement of these objectives an analytical work programme has been developed, organised in 4 phases : preparatory (phase A), implementation (phase B), impact monitoring (phase C), public awareness and results dissemination (phase D).
In phase A, the landfill site construction or inactive quarry requirements will be determined, the relevant EU legislation will be reviewed and the pilot scale plant will be designed and constructed.
Phase B covers all the characterisation and experimental work to be performed at lab and pilot scale.
Phase C includes the monitoring and evaluation activities of the pilot plant and the developed materials performance (technical/environmental, economic through LCA/LCC analysis).
In phase D, activities have been grouped as dissemination to: the general public, identified target groups across the EU, the scientific community; networking with other projects; after LIFE plan.
Expected results
The successful completion of the proposed project will have very positive effect regarding sustainable development in Greece, as it will significantly contribute to the:
Drastic reduction of the waste volumes produced by the Greek Petrochemicals industry. In the specific plant more than 3.500 t of PRS per year will be transformed into valuable products, instead of being disposed;
Permanent confrontation of the environmental impact associated with the disposal of Petroleum refinery sludges;
Development of new processes and technologies, by using naturally occurring industrial minerals, that lead to the elimination of petroleum refinery sludges environmental impact and can be disseminated to and adopted by other similar chemical industries;
Development of a new business model to cover the specialised needs for soil qualities and quantities used in landfills construction and restoration that are currently in shortage due to limited construction activities in the country. Moreover, the uniformity and controllability of the soil qualities produced in the project cannot be matched by the construction waste material, characterised by significant quality fluctuations, depending on the origin of the construction waste;
Development of new materials that will increase the sales revenues and the profitability of the interested companies by transforming toxic wastes into commercial products of higher value-tocustomer and creating additional sustainable business activity in the nearby area. It is estimated that more than 10.000 t per year of engineered soil will become available to the nearby landfill companies and for quarry rehabilitation purposes.
Budget information
TOTAL BUDGET: 2.051.585
EU CONTRIBUTION: 983.955 (59,2% of eligible)
Co-funded by the European Commission
under the LIFE "Environment and Resource Efficiency" Programme
EU - Life Programme
The LIFE Programme
LIFE is the EU’s financial instrument supporting environmental, nature conservation and climate action projects throughout the EU. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value.
The adoption of the Single European Act in 1986, which for the first time gave EU environmental policy a firm treaty basis, along with the Fifth Environment Action Programme, approved in 1993, really opened the door for the LIFE funding mechanism. These two developments set the pace of environmental reform for the next decade and the LIFE programme was one of the EU’s essential environmental tools.
LIFE began in 1992 and until 2013 there have been four complete phases of the programme (LIFE I: 1992-1995, LIFE II: 1996-1999, LIFE III: 2000-2006 and LIFE+: 2007-2013). During this period, LIFE has co-financed some 3954 projects across the EU, contributing approximately €3.1 billion to the protection of the environment.
LIFE multiannual work programme for 2014-2017
The LIFE multi-annual work programme for 2014-2017 has been adopted by a Commission Decision on 19 March 2014, after having received a positive opinion of the Committee for the LIFE Programme for the Environment and Climate Action on 17 February 2014.
The LIFE multiannual work programme for 2014-2017 sets the framework for the management of the new LIFE Programme 2014-2020. It contains an indicative budget, explains the selection methodology for projects and for operating grants and establishes outcome indicators for the two LIFE sub-programmes, "Environment" and "Climate Action".
LIFE 2014-2020 Regulation
The LIFE 2014-2020 Regulation (EC) No 1293/2013 was published in the Official Journal L 347/185 of 20 December 2013.
The Regulation establishes the Environment and Climate Action sub-programmes of the LIFE Programme for the next funding period, 2014–2020. The budget for the period is set at €3.4 billion in current prices.
The LIFE Programme will contribute to the sustainable development and achievement of the objectives and targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy, the 7th Union Environmental Action Programme and other relevant EU Strategies.
The ‘Environment’ sub-programme covers three priority areas:
environment and resource efficiency nature and biodiversity environmental governance and information.
The ‘Climate Action’ sub-programme covers the priorities:
climate change mitigation climate change adaptation climate governance and information.
Co-funded by the European Commission
under the LIFE "Environment and Resource Efficiency" Programme