This section provides an overview of the policy and legislation framework for the exploitation of Petroleum Refinery Sludges (PRS) and their use for the development of a Valorized Sludge Mixture through processing with industrial minerals.

The main objective of the LIFE DIANA project is on the one hand the intelligent processing of PRS and on the other hand their efficient transformation into products of higher added-value, that are provisioned to be used in other industrial activities. The project scope complies with the thematic priorities for Resource Efficiency including Green and Circular Economy and Soil. More specifically it encompasses all the main concepts and targets of the Green and Circular Economy, including efficient valorization and reuse of combined wastes from different industries, setting up new circular business concepts and eco-design of new waste valorization chains as well as development of innovative waste technologies and exploitation systems. The Soil Thematic Strategy emphasizes on compensation of soil sealing and improved land use with the elimination of the needed land for PRS disposal.

Main EC policies related to LIFE DIANA activities

It is important to mention that the LIFE DIANA project aspires to follow some of the main directives of the European Commission about the environmental preservation and protection:

  • Compliance with the EU 2020 Climate & energy package as the project effectively promotes the reduction of GHGs emissions. This is achieved through PRS conversion into more stable matter which assists with 1) lowering the waste transportation across Europe, 2) decrease use of incineration as waste treatment and 3) minimizing the excessively high quantities of sludge waste, which are currently disposed and/or stored.
  • Compliance with the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98 as LIFE DIANA project visions an innovative processing method of reusing the oil-refinery waste to be implemented. This method will focus on using the oil-based mass waste as raw material, to produce a final and stable matter with higher added value. This type of technology is key factor to promote progress towards a circular economy and stimulate the synergy between main partners such as the oil processing industry, the natural resources (minerals) industry and the environmental industry (landfills).
  • Compliance with Landfill Directive 1999/31 as Engineering Soil will follow the lining system properties as described in the European directive.
  • Compliance with Commission Recommendation of 9/4/13 on Environmental footprint methodology. The project will utilize its findings for the further lowering of the environmental footprint of the oil refining industry and will focus on the use of common methods to measure and communicate the life cycle environmental performance of products and organizations.
  • Compliance with the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28. The LIFE DIANA project follows these guidelines as the majority of the energy demands to conduct the experimental part of the project, will be supplied by renewable energy sources. Imminent result of this action is to generate less carbon emissions originating from both the supply and processing of raw materials.
  • Aligned with the WFD including WWTP and Marine Strategy as the project ensures to maintain practices not harmful to the marine environment. Bearing in mind that the Greek refineries consist of coastal installations, the developing tools, technologies and practices for monitoring and stabilization of oil sludges shall promote the synergy and upgrade of coastal environment and its preservation.

LIFE DIANA policy relevance

Regarding the policy relevance of the LIFE DIANA project, it is critical that the policy makers are aware of the importance of new technologies allowing utilization of oil industry wastes. Policy makers are responsible for the national and EU policies, regulations and medium-to long term strategies. Among the policy makers the consortium will target the EU Environment Directorate-General and the Greek Ministry of Economy and Growth, Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Central Union of Greek Municipalities (KEDE).The actions where the policy makers will be involved are in particular project’s public events, articles from policy and legislative point of view, and reports and documentation on results of LIFE DIANA pilots.Furthermore, the implementation/adaptation of the new waste legislation oriented to the new technology will be a parallel output/track of the project. More specifically, the Engineered Soil produced through the LIFE DIANA project aims at replacing the soil currently used in landfilling. Thus, the engineered soil it is recommended to be incorporated in the legislation and promoted by the policy makers as daily cover, lining material (bottom and top) and vegetating cover.To sum up, this project therefore complies with multiple EU Directives and guidelines, as mentioned above and can be a key contributor to the objectives of the roadmap towards a “resource efficient Europe” and the 7th Environmental Action Plan (EAP).



Co-funded by the European Commission
under the LIFE "Environment and Resource Efficiency" Programme